Gerald Ross Gerald Ross

Covid: A Giant Wake-up Call for Climate Change (Copy)

The Covid Paradox

Covid revealed the fault lines in how we manage fast moving, complex issues. The paradox: the contrast between the disorganized rollout of masking and social distancing – a total train wreck, and 2) the rapid development of vaccines in record time – a stunning success for both medicine and society.

Paradoxically, both occurred in parallel, with the same healthcare and political systems.

Why the dramatic difference? What are the lessons learned for climate change, mass migrations, supply chain disruptions and social upheavals?

The New Competitive Landscape

These game changing disruptions are transforming the competitive landscape:
How companies cope with external threats will have a far greater impact on financial results than internal management practices.

During the 20th Century, success was defined in terms of efficiency, effectiveness and profitability. Today, this may be a liability. For example, the highly efficient global supply chains that have fuelled burgeoning economic growth, are suddenly a liability - a source of vulnerability, rather than competitive strength.

  • Covid brought nations to their knees in months.

  • The war in the Ukraine upended the energy and banking markets in weeks.

  • A single freighter stuck in the Suez Canal disrupted global supply chains overnight.

Net Zero – From Aspiration to Action

Thirty of the world’s biggest investment funds are shifting $9T to companies pursuing Net Zero. In total, asset managers with $70T are following suit by 2050. The top 100 global corporations are responsible for 71% of climate change. The smallest has 193k employees, the largest 2.3m. Plus, there are >200k SMEs in the US alone.

None will escape the Tsunamis ahead.

Mobilizing to achieve Net Zero involves a complete rethinking of their businesses from end-to-end. At no time since Henry Ford will so many companies have to reinvent their businesses in short order.

But most companies have no playbook or experience to prepare them to succeed.

Building Rapid Response Capabilities In-House

The Net Zero Alliance features a portfolio of rapid response programs designed to mobilize the whole organization that ensure:

  1. Speed – Rapid response program development targeting new corporate challenges on an on-demand basis

  2. Simplicity – A common framework to address information overload and messaging from conflicting sources

  3. Scale – Replicable, transferable programs that can be developed and delivered worldwide

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Gerald Ross Gerald Ross

Covid: A Giant Wake-up Call for Climate Change

The Covid Paradox

Covid revealed the fault lines in how we manage fast moving, complex issues. The paradox: the contrast between the disorganized rollout of masking and social distancing – a total train wreck, and 2) the rapid development of vaccines in record time – a stunning success for both medicine and society.

Paradoxically, both occurred in parallel, with the same healthcare and political systems.

Why the dramatic difference? What are the lessons learned for climate change, mass migrations, supply chain disruptions and social upheavals?

The New Competitive Landscape

These game changing disruptions are transforming the competitive landscape:
How companies cope with external threats will have a far greater impact on financial results than internal management practices.

During the 20th Century, success was defined in terms of efficiency, effectiveness and profitability. Today, this may be a liability. For example, the highly efficient global supply chains that have fuelled burgeoning economic growth, are suddenly a liability - a source of vulnerability, rather than competitive strength.

  • Covid brought nations to their knees in months.

  • The war in the Ukraine upended the energy and banking markets in weeks.

  • A single freighter stuck in the Suez Canal disrupted global supply chains overnight.

Net Zero – From Aspiration to Action

Thirty of the world’s biggest investment funds are shifting $9T to companies pursuing Net Zero. In total, asset managers with $70T are following suit by 2050. The top 100 global corporations are responsible for 71% of climate change. The smallest has 193k employees, the largest 2.3m. Plus, there are >200k SMEs in the US alone.

None will escape the Tsunamis ahead.

Mobilizing to achieve Net Zero involves a complete rethinking of their businesses from end-to-end. At no time since Henry Ford will so many companies have to reinvent their businesses in short order.

But most companies have no playbook or experience to prepare them to succeed.

Building Rapid Response Capabilities In-House

The Net Zero Alliance features a portfolio of rapid response programs designed to mobilize the whole organization that ensure:

  1. Speed – Rapid response program development targeting new corporate challenges on an on-demand basis

  2. Simplicity – A common framework to address information overload and messaging from conflicting sources

  3. Scale – Replicable, transferable programs that can be developed and delivered worldwide

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